Timothy T. Hurtt I, Local Pastor
717 East 7th Street, Wilmington, DE 19805
(302) 652-5495 |Email Us
Welcome to the homepage of First Tabernacle Beth El, Wilmington, Delaware. We are a congregation that worships our heavenly father as one family. We serve our community with generosity, love, and true fellowship. First Tabernacle is a house of prayer for all people and refuge for all those that seek to draw closer to God. First Tabernacle is like unto the Pool of Bethesda and a shelter in a weary land, a place of spiritual healing through prayer, beautiful God centered a capella singing and preaching “thus saith the Lord God”.
We lovingly invite you to come and share with us the holiness of God and the oneness of family.
Our mission statement:
“Unity and Love is Our Way of Life and the Key to Our Success and Salvation.”